Neural Network Development

Neural Network Development

A standard digital computer does many tasks very well. It's completely fast, and it does exactly what you tell it to do. Unfortunately, it can't help you when you yourself don't fully realize the problem you want to be solved. Even rubbish, standard algorithms don't deal well with noisy or incomplete data, yet in the real world, that's regularly the only kind available. One answer is to use an artificial neural network (ANN), a computing system that can learn on its own.

The first artificial neural network was invented in 1958 by psychologist Frank Rosenblatt. Called Perceptron, it was planned to model how the human brain handles visual data and learned to recognize objects. Other researchers have since used similar ANNs to study human intelligence. Ultimately, someone realized that in addition to providing insights into the use of the human brain, ANNs could be useful tools in their own right. Their pattern-matching and learning capacity allowed them to address many problems that were difficult or impossible to solve by standard analytical and statistical methods.

How We Do

How We Do
Requirement Analysis